Things About [Human-Centered Design] - Designing Workshops with Kareeshma Ali

A conversation with urban planner, architect, and human-centered designer, Kareeshma Ali, on her approach to community engagement and designing workshops.

Designing Workshops Reading Material:

  1. California’s Master Plan For Aging, Greater Good Studio

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  1. Greater Good Studio’s Newsletter

Kareeshma Ali is the Director of Design Strategy at Greater Good Studios (GGS).

Kareeshma is happy to connect with you on LinkedIn. To keep up with the latest, subscribe to GGS’ Newsletter.


Hello! My name is Manali. I am an urban planner, content creator, and designer.

Are you interested in urban planning or design? Connect with me on Instagram or LinkedIn!

Things About [Human-Centered Design] - Communication Design with Yue Wu


Things About [Human-Centered Design] - Designing Streets for All Ages with Anna Siprikova